Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pasando el Día con la Familia de Rosa

Today, Rosa's family came in and celebrated her son-in-law's birthday. I met a lot of people and spent a while with the whole family. There were both of Rosa's daughters, the older one's husband (it was his birthday) and their son, David (he is so cute!!), Rosa's other daughter's boyfriend, Rosa's sister and her two kids, and another couple (not sure how they were related), and another older woman (also not sure how she was related). We had paella for lunch and cake, too. Everyone was really nice, but they spoke so fast! I couldn't really tell what they were talking about at all! So difficult. I want to get a lot better at listening in the next four weeks. It's totally different listening in class and listening to native speakers have a conversation around a table with ten other people!

One of the couple's had a dog named Chispi and they brought him over a bit later. Chispi was a little Yorkie dog I think and he was so precious. He liked to play with the balloons around the house. We would blow up a balloon and throw it to him and he would jump up and hit it with his nose back to the person. David, the little boy thought this was really funny. That kid is so precious!

Today at dinner, I got to practice more Spanish as well. I'm pretty sure it's Rosa's sister with the two kids but she has been speaking to me a lot so it was nice to practice. I also showed her the postcards I brought from Michigan which she really liked to see.

It was a unique experience getting to spend some time with an entire Spanish family, but it was cool to hang out for a while and learn about them and their culture. It also showed me that trying to listen to native speakers having a conversation is NOT EASY AT ALL and I look forward to improving on this aspect of my Spanish.

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