Monday, July 4, 2011

Life in Salamanca

Today was the first day of official classes. We didn't actually have class, but we had a placement test. It was actually a bit more difficult than I thought, plus we didn't have enough time. But that's fine. I hope I am in a class that challenges me and allows me to learn lots of new things, but does not create much stress.

In other news, I like the new student that just moved in yesterday. She is from Sudan and she's really cute and stylish. She speaks Arabic, English, French and Spanish, but she says she has a lot of trouble with Spanish. It doesn't seem like she has been studying it for very long at all, but it's cool that she knows so many languages. She said she thought Spanish was the hardest language out of all of those.

Additionally, I also found out that I got an override for the Spanish class I really wanted to take in the fall, so I'm pretty happy about that as well! Today I officially signed up for my weekend trips through the university and I went to the river with some friends to hang out.

Tonight I think I'm going to hang out with some friends and celebrate Fourth of July. It's strange that I'm not in America for that. Tomorrow, I'm really excited to start my actual classes. I think I'm going to learn a lot.

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