Friday, July 8, 2011

Las Clases

The first week of classes are over! I am enjoying my classes so far, and actually just joined in a new one today. I am taking a composition class about the transition to democracy in Spain, a translation class, and a speaking class. I think my favorite is the speaking class. I've learned a lot about grammar already and I feel very comfortable speaking in my classes. I was originally in the highest level of the translation class, but it was extremely intimating because a lot of the people in the class were native speakers! I switched into the intermediate level of the translation class, which is actually a bit easy. However, we are learning about texting shortcuts in Spanish, so it's actually quite interesting. The piece we translated was extremely easy today, but it's kind of nice to not have to stress, especially during the summer, when I can still earn the same amount of credits. I am planning to hopefully take another translation class at U of M later, so I can always learn more then!

Homework is minimal for the most part, which is very nice. This leaves plenty of time to enjoy Spain, the weather, the people and the activities to do here. Tomorrow, I am actually taking a day trip to Toledo, to which I am really looking forward. This will actually be my first weekend kind of in Salamanca, since last weekend I was in Madrid. It's nice to be able to relax after a week of classes.

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