Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lista de Vocabulario

While here, I have been learning some new vocabulary and grammar. It hasn't been that much but it's actually a lot harder to pick up on this kind of stuff than you would think. Also, it's conflicting because we learn Mexican/Latin America Spanish in the United States, so there are a lot of phrases and conjugations we are not familiar with here.

First and foremost, the use of vosotros. In high school, and even kind of in college, we completely ignore all conjugations for vosotros (you plural), but here in Spain, it is super prevalent! I have never learned vosotros commands before, but you kind of just end up going with it and figuring it out. I think I'm better at listening to vosotros conjugations than actually forming them myself, but oh well.

Also, everyone says "vale" here for "ok" instead of "bueno." Obviously I know what it means, but it feels unnatural for me to say it for some reason.

Also, people rarely say "por favor" here. I've learned that people usually shorten it with "porfa" or don't say anything at all. Rude! Hahaha.

Some other words I should make note of:

abeto=pine tree
cogerse de la mano=to hold hands
guau=bark (sound of dog, but ladrar is the verb "to bark")
la ciruela=plums
el guisante=peas
el pepino=cucumber
lavadora=washing machine
aliñar= to dress (as in a salad)
asar=to roast
batir=to beat
dejar reposar=to let cool
cocer al horno=to bake
congelar=to freeze
freír=to fry (they do that A LOT here!)
hervir=to boil
pelar=to peel (they also do that a lot here, my señora always peels her fruit while I just eat it all)
rallar=to shread
tostar=to toast
la brocheta=shish kabob
la chuleta de cerdo=pork chops
el solomillo de cerdo=tenderloin
el chorizo=type of sausage, SO GOOD!
el camarón=shrimp
el pulpo=octupus
el calamar=calamari, squid
el bogavante=lobster
la vieira=scallop
el fregadero=kitchen sink
el lavabo=bathroom sink
el grifo=faucet
la cocina=stove, also kitchen
la placa=stove burner
el horno=oven
la campana=fan over the stove
la nevera=refrigerator
la sartén=frying pan
la cacerola=pot, the large kind with two handles
el cazo=one handle, standard pot
la cafetera=coffee pot, tea pot
la taza=mug
el cuenco=bowl
la bola=scoop (of ice cream), this world has a lot of meanings

There's definitely still so much to learn! Vocabulary is the hardest part. I've never really had a problem communicating with my grammar (they probably think I sound like an idiot sometimes!), but it's definitely difficult when you don't even know the word you need to use. Sometimes you just have to describe it, but that can get confusing too. I can't wait to learn and be able to use more vocabulary. Another difficult thing is that they just use different words than for example in Mexico or Latin America. For example they use zumo for juice instead of jugo. Oops messed that up a few times!

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