Thursday, June 30, 2011

Las Diferencias Entre España y los Estados Unidos

I've noticed a couple of blatant differences between here and home which I think are totally interesting. For one, about 75% or more of people DO NOT have their dogs on leashes as they walk around town. They just let them loose. It seems like the dogs pretty much stay by their owners. This makes me nervous especially by busy streets, but they just don't use leashes. Maybe not as many as I think, but it's definitely very apparent that there's a generous proportion of individuals who don't leash their dogs.

Also, this is really interesting, but I noticed an ambulance driving through the street the other day and no one pulled over or stopped! I asked my teacher about this and apparently it doesn't matter; there's no law saying that you have to pull over and stop! Interesting.

Other smaller things are obviously the hours of meals and how they work. Breakfast is at a normal time, but isn't a very big deal here. Therefore, I don't eat very much for breakfast but my host mom did buy me some cereal. Every day at breakfast I also get fresh fruit and maybe some other kind of pastry. I miss my eggs and bagels. They don't know what bagels are here or pancakes. Lunch happens at at least 2PM. In my house it consists of two courses. Baguette is always served. Dinner happens at 9:15PM in my house. SO LATE! But I'm getting used to it. That's how Spaniards stay out so late; when you have dinner that late it really keeps you going for a while.

1 comment:

  1. ALSO THEY SPEAK SO FAST!!!!!!!!! It's hard to understand conversations between two natives! I can understand when my host mom talks to me, but it's so hard to pick up on other conversations. Plus they have a different accent than Mexicans or South Americans. I'm not quite used to it yet.


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